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Northam – Mt Ommaney Hill Climb and Flying 50 Round the Houses

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Northam – Mt Ommaney Hill Climb and Flying 50 Round the Houses

Northam Hill Climb April

Dear Competitors
Thank you for your entry to the Northam Motorsport Festival, With over 80 entries, it promises to be an electrifying event.
To ensure seamless proceedings, we kindly request your presence at scrutineering on Saturday details are below. Your cooperation will help us avoid any delays and keep Sunday flowing smoothly.
Additionally, we urgently need to run the event Flag Point Marshals and Crossing Marshals. If you or anyone on your team can help, please let me know as soon as you can.
Scrutiny Locations
• Scrutiny for Regularity Competitors will be held on Saturday 13th April from 8:00 am to 11:00 am at the VSCCWA Caversham Clubrooms off Harrow Road Caversham. ALL METRO COMPETITORS WILL BE REQUIRED TO ATTEND OR A $50 FEE WILL BE CHARGED IF YOU ARE SCRUTINERISED ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT
• For Country competitors please advise if you are being scrutinised on the day.
• Log-booked automobiles will be examined throughout the competition as per the Motorsport Australia Targeted Scrutiny Program.

Event Committee

Sheryl Swarbrick

The Vintage Sports Car Club WA (Inc)
0416 025 667