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MGA Register/Brunch Run

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MGA Register/Brunch Run

Dear Club member

As advised in the April Octagon magazine, the next MGA Register Run will be held on Sunday 21st April. This will be a lunch run (rather than a breakfast run as stated in the Octagon) and will commence at Alfred’s Kitchen, James Street Guildford. Gather from 9:45am for a 10:00am start.

The 90km (56mile) run through Gidgegannup and Brigadoon will take approximately 1 ½ hours and we should all arrive at the lunch destination, Edgecombe Bros Winery in Henley Brook, in good time for an early lunch. The lunch menu comprises a range of delicious burgers, pizzas and desserts.

For venue catering purposes, please advise me on email tonyford@westnet.com.au by 16th April if you intend to participate in the run and lunch.

(Note that all MGCC members are invited on the Run; however, MGAs will, naturally, lead out any other MG attending!)


Tony Ford
MGA Register Co-ordinator
MG Car Club of Western Australia

M: 0400 202 474
E: tonyford@westnet.com.au